EVERY DAY COUNTS! (Adapted from ADE Website)
Chronic absenteeism is missing so much school for any reason that a student is academically at risk. It means missing 10 percent (17.8 days) or more of the school year - excused or unexcused. Absences can add up fast! Missing just two days per month puts your child at risk.
The report Absences Add Up: How School Attendance Influences Student Success reveals that:
- Poor attendance in the first month of school can predict chronic absence for the entire year.
- Absenteeism in kindergarten can affect whether a child develops the grit and perseverance needed to succeed in school.
- Absenteeism in preschool and kindergarten can influence whether a child will be held back in third grade.
- Absenteeism in middle and high school can predict dropout rates.
- Absenteeism influences not just chances for graduating but also for completing college.
- Improving attendance is an essential strategy for reducing achievement gaps.
- When students reduce absences, they can make academic gains.
Our goal at ESES is for students to miss less than five absences per semester.