
Elementary Parents: 

The American Academy of Pediatrics and other experts recommend that you keep your child home sick if they are experiencing the following symptoms: 

1. Fever 

2. Diarrhea 

3. Persistent cough or difficulty breathing 

4. Severe pain (like a migraine headache or severe earache) 

5. Severe sore throat 

6. A significant rash, especially when other symptoms are present 

7. Large amounts of discolored nasal discharge 

8. Pink eye 

These could be signs of a contagious illness, like strep throat, the flu, or even COVID-19. If your child is ill, please call or text our school nurse, Meghan Wolfinbarger, at 479-244-0004. Nurse Meghan can advise you on next steps, return dates and can excuse your child's illness-related absences. Thank you!